
Table of LPG equivalent

Energy carrierEnergy content
1 kg of coal29,33
1 kg of brown coal7,96
1 kg of heating oil42,00
1 liter of heating oil37,80
1 m3 of natural gas32,26
1 kg of LPG mixture (50/50%)43,03
1 liter of LPG mixture (50/50%)25,02
1 liter of propane-butane mixture is equivalent to:
0.85 kg of coal
3.14 kg of brown coal
0.66 liters of heating oil
0.775 m3 of natural gas


1 kg of coal is to 1.18 l of LPG

1 kg of lignite equivalent to 0.31 l of LPG 1 liter of heating oil corresponds to 1.52 liters of LPG

1 m3 of natural gas is equivalent to 1.29 l of LPG

Comparison of calorific value of energy carriers

Fuel typeSales unitCalorific valueUnit
Electricity1 kWh3,6MJ/kWh
Hard coal1 kg24MJ/kg
Coke1 kg27MJ/kg
Heating oil1 l39MJ/l
Special hating oil
1 kg43MJ/kg
Petrol1 l38MJ/l
Liquefied petroleum gas1 l24MJ/l
Liquefied petroleum gas – propane – cylinders30 kg47MJ/kg
Liquefied petroleum gas – propane – cylinders11 kg46MJ/kg
Natural gas NG-501 Nm334MJ/Nm3

Comparison of propane and heating oil properties

Fuel typeSales unitCalorific valueUnit
Electricity1 kWh3,6MJ/kWh
Hard coal1 kg24MJ/kg
Coke1 kg27MJ/kg
Heating oil1 l39MJ/l
Special heating oil
1 kg43MJ/kg
Petrol1 l38MJ/l
Liquefied petroleum gas1 l24MJ/l
Liquefied petroleum gas – propane – cylinders30 kg47MJ/kg
Liquefied petroleum gas – propane – cylinders11 kg46MJ/kg
Natural gas NG-501 Nm334MJ/Nm3

Comparison of properties of propane and electricity

Calorific value11 100 kcal/kg1 kWh
Energy supply installationpossibility of drawing large amounts of gas in a short period of timelimitation of obtaining high power (permissible power depends on the diameter of the pipes)
Device efficiency85% classic devices; 95% high efficiency device; 101-105% condensing units; 100% open flame, direct burners.100% heating; heat loss when using electric boilers.
Tanks leasesubscription along with maintenance and service; the size of the tank selected depending on the needshigh subscription
Tariffeasy to calculate tariff, complicated day/night tariff per liter of gas suppliedcomplicated day/night tariff
Energy pricethe price of energy per 1 kWh is lower compared to electricity 
Independencethe tank is an individual and independent source of energydependence on the state of the power line; weather conditions power off