
How to save on industrial energy in uncertain times?

Running a business in Poland has never been easy and now seems almost impossible. There are more and more unknowns, and solutions that were supposed to ensure energy savings only a few years ago are today bringing companies to the brink of bankruptcy. What can be done to ensure flexibility without paying a fortune and, at the same time, not locking yourself into the current solution? Energy savings in industry can prove to be a saviour. In this article, we will provide ideas for saving energy at work.

Using natural gas – changes over the last few years.

Until a few years ago, the State encouraged the use of this type of energy, advertising it as a cheaper and greener alternative. The availability of connections was praised, as was the safety provided by appropriate installations. Now we know that the use of this form of energy does not guarantee either stability of supply or the best price, as other charges, such as transmission costs, are added to the price of gas itself.

What influences the price of natural gas?

There are a number of factors that influence whether the price of natural gas will rise or fall. Undoubtedly, at the current juncture, gas price forecasts for next year are alarming, mainly for entrepreneurs, for whom an uninterrupted gas supply is the main condition for maintaining production continuity. The current political situation in Europe has resulted in a decrease in the volume of distributed fuel. In addition, in Poland, higher prices are motivated by rising inflation, increased energy acquisition costs and the cost of ancillary services.

What do gas price fluctuations mean?

Fluctuations in the price of gas mean instability in energy supply and great difficulty in predicting budgeting for companies for which gas supply is a large part of costs and a component of production costs. As a result, costs rise and profits fall, even though productivity is at the same level. Often the lack of constancy results in the entrepreneur being forced to look for cost cuts where it is more predictable, such as among employees.

How to deal with fluctuating gas prices?

In these difficult times, when natural gas prices are uncertain, we recommend installing an LPG system with an LPG gas mixer. With the mixer, we gain the ability to switch between natural gas and LPG installations and thus choose the most favourable option at any given time. The instability of the political situation in Europe and the economic situation in our country leads us to look for solutions that will be flexible and give us a choice. By installing an additional LPG system rather than abandoning natural gas altogether, we have the chance to monitor and minimise losses.

What is the difference between natural gas and LPG?

One of the main characteristics of the gases that they differ in is their calorific value. LPG has twice the calorific value, which means that the same amount of gas will burn longer. The other differences that are very important to businesses (apart from the state of aggregation) relate to the mode of delivery. LPG is supplied by a number of companies, so we gain a choice between several offers that differ in competitive prices and the services they cover. It is also very important to note that with LPG we only pay for consumption and not for transmission. By installing a POM mixer, we are able to use liquid gas as a so-called backup in the event of a natural gas supply shortage or to cover consumption peaks (‘peaks’).

What are the main advantages of the POM mixer?

Dzięki mikserowi gazowemu LPG użytkownik jest w stanie sam zdecydować i przełączyć gaz, którego chce w danym momencie używać. Zyskuje pełną kontrolę nad zmianą paliwa i może monitorować spalanie oraz działać na bieżąco w nietypowych sytuacjach. To ogromna elastyczność, wziąwszy pod uwagę podwójną kaloryczność gazu płynnego, który jest znacznie tańszy, jeśli instalacja LPG jest zainstalowana poprawnie i jest własnością przedsiębiorstwa, daje również niezależność.

Dzięki mikserowi nie musimy również martwić się o zmiany ustawień palników i kotłów, ponieważ będą pracować na tych samych urządzeniach.

Jak działa mikser POM?

Jego główne działanie polega na mieszaniu propanu (gazu płynnego) ze sprężonym powietrzem. W ten sposób propan uzyskuje takie same parametry jak gaz ziemny. Te same parametry sprawiają, że nie ma potrzeby zmiany palnika i oba gazy mogą być podłączone pod ten sam palnik, a przełączanie między nimi odbywa się automatycznie.

Ile trwa montaż miksera gazu LPG?

Montaż instalacji wraz z mikserem trwa około 2 tygodni, niestety trzeba się przygotować na dodatkowe oczekiwanie od 3 do 5 miesięcy na urządzenia.